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Our Mission

Chambersburg Cares is working to engage community members and align resources in order to promote healthy youth behaviors and to reduce substance use and risk factors.

What We Do

Chambersburg Cares is an initiative of Healthy Communities Partnership that was formed in April of 2015. The coalition works  to reduce substance use among youth in Chambersburg, PA. The coalition is an active group of professionals with representation from 12 sectors including: religious/fraternal, youth, youth-serving organizations, state/local government, civic & volunteer groups, business, parents, healthcare, media, schools, law enforcement, and other organizations involved in substance abuse.



Underage Drinking

Alcohol is the most abused substance by youth in Franklin County. 2017 PAYS data reports, 62.9% of 12th graders in Franklin County have drank alcohol and the primary source continues to be parents. Parental attitudes, access, and acceptance are the main factors that contribute to underage drinking in Franklin County. Studies show, alcohol may impact the development of the adolescent brain including; memory, voluntary motor behavior, impulse control, rule learning, spatial learning, planning, and decision-making. These skills can have lasting impacts on the health and success of youth. 

Contact Us

232 Lincoln Way East,
Chambersburg, PA 17201

(717) 264-1470 

232 Lincoln Way East,

Chambersburg, PA 17201


This website was developed, in part, under grant number SPO-80058 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of ONDCP, CDC, SAMHSA, or HHS, and should not be construed as such.

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